AYF Juniors

The AYF Juniors Western Region

Aims to unite Armenian youth to work collaboratively on enhancing social, cultural, educational, political, and athletic initiatives.

The AYF Juniors Western Region

Aims to unite Armenian youth to work collaboratively on enhancing social, cultural, educational, political, and athletic initiatives.

About AYF Juniors

The AYF Juniors western region is a youth organization affiliated with the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF). AYF Juniors stands for “Armenian Youth Federation Juniors” and is a program designed for children between the ages of 8 to 16. Its mission is to instill in young Armenians a sense of pride in their heritage and to educate them about Armenian history, culture, and current events. AYF Juniors also promotes leadership development, community service, and social activism among its members.

Burbank (Gaidzag)

75 E Santa Anita Ave Burbank, CA 91502

Meeting Date & Time: Fridays at 6 PM

Email: burbank@ayfjuniors.org

Crescenta Valley (Garegin Njdeh)

2633 Honolulu Ave. Montrose, CA 91020

Meeting Date & Time: Fridays at 6 PM

Email: crescentavalley@ayfjuniors.org

Fresno (Kristapor)

2348 Ventura St Fresno, CA 93721

Meeting Date & Time: Sundays at 2 PM

Email: fresno@ayfjuniors.org

Upcoming Events

Coming Soon …

Committed to the youth
generation after generation.

AYF juniors Gallery